Chinese cuisine

Scallion Pancake

Scallion pancakes are the equivalent of pizza for the Chinese. A pancake that is crisp on the outside and soft, sprinkled with delicious green onions on the inside is a great staple for a Chinese menu. You do not need to worry if it is too oily because it is most likely not. It tastes just right.

Scallion Pancake
5 stars rating if you like it!
PRE TIME: 25 min
TOTAL TIME: 40 min
  • ㅤFor The Dough
  • 12 oz. Flour
  • 0.25 tsp. Salt
  • 0.5 tsp. Baking Soda
  • 0.75 cup Warm Water (80°C / 170°F)
  • 0.5 tsp. Cooking Oil
  • ㅤScallion pancakes
  • 1 tsp. Cooking Oil
  • 0.25 tsp. Salt
  • 0.25 cup Green Onion, Chopped
  • Cook The Scallion pancakes
  • 2 tbsp. Cooking Oil
Step 1
Step 1
Mix flour, salt, baking soda, and water at 80°C together to make dough.
Step 2
Step 2
Then cover the ball of dough with plastic wrap for 20 to 30 minutes for proofing. (Add some flour on a cutting board to prevent the dough from sticking to the surface when kneading the dough. After kneading for a few mins, the dough will not stick to your hands. The temperature and humidity of the room or the type of the flour you are using can influence the dough. If the dough is too sticky, add some flour but do not add too much flour when you knead the dough, because excessive flour will make the dough hard to chew. You can also add some oil to help when kneading. You can tell that the dough is ready when it does not to your hands.)
Step 3
Step 3
Knead the dough strip and then cut it into 4 equal small dough. Start with one peice of dough and cover the other three with plastic wrap to keep the moisture.
Step 4
Step 4
Roll the dough and press it into a flat pancake shape.
Step 5
Step 5
Pour some cooking oil on the table and apply the oil on both sides of the dough. Make the pancake thin by pressing and stretching it.
Step 6
Step 6
Roll it into a rectangle shape. When you start, it is not easy to roll the pancake into a rectangle shape but after 1-2 mins, it will work. However, do not roll it too much. Basically, the thinner the pancake is, the better. Having more layers in the pancake makes it more tasty.
Step 7
Step 7
Add 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp cooking oil and 1/4 cup chopped green onion evenly onto the rectangle-shaped dough. (You can adjust the amount of the green onion according to your own preference). Then roll the dough up from one side gently to make it into a strip. Coil the strip from one side to the end so that the result looks like a snail shell. Then press and roll to strech the dough gently making the pancake a round shape.
Step 8
Step 8
Add 2 tbsp cooking oil in a pan, fry the round-shapde dough from Step 3 over low heat for 2-3 mins until it turns a golden color. (It is okay to add a little more cooking oil because it will make the crust crispy).
Step 9
Step 9
You can cut the pancake like you would cut a pizza into 8 pieces. You can also have some sauce on the side if you like.
Final Notes
Final Notes
Key point: Give the dough enough time in the 1st step to prove. Kneading the dough is also very important. Kneading the dough with cooking oil makes the dough easier to shape. Green onion is also a highlight. Add as much green onion as you like. make sure to cover the green onion inside the dough to avoid making it burn when you fry the round dough.
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