Trim and season the char with 5g salt. Dress it with 15g olive oil and put it on an oven tray. Bake the Char in the oven at 125°C/260°F for 4 min. Pull the skin and dress with fresh olive oil and salt.
Salmon and char look the same, but they differ in many ways, especially with the texture as it cooks. Arctic char is a mild and delicious fish. Aside from its fatty content, it is easy to cook with, and there is a slim chance that you’ll dry it out. A flavorful arctic char served with sautéed white cabbage, crispy green kale hazelnut vinaigrette, and dill mayonnaise. The hazelnuts are salted and roasted in the oven to have that crunchy, crisp texture. The vinaigrette is made from browned butter, onions, garlic, and balsamic vinegar. This recipe teaches you how to make homemade mayonnaise with just a couple of ingredients found in your pantry. A fantastic and easy recipe that can be replicated at home.